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Materials, Methods & Technologies

ISSN 1314-7269 (online)

Materials, Methods & Technologies publishes research on the development, characterization, processing, and application of advanced materials, as well as the methods and technologies that support their production and use. The journal covers a broad range of topics, including nanomaterials, metallurgy, macromolecular science, sustainable energy, biotechnology, and computational approaches to materials engineering. It also welcomes studies on technology transfer, innovation management, and the practical implementation of industrial standards and quality control. This journal is the primary publication outlet for the annual Materials, Methods and Technologies conference.

Поради промени в структурата на списанията, всички издания, публикувани преди 31 декември 2013 година, са преместени в Архив.

Materials Methods and Tools for Innovation Methods & Technologies Papers on other relevant topics are welcome too.
Индексиране на списанието
IAEA INIS China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Semantic Scholar CiteSeerX Base Crossref
Главен редактор
Tomasz Koltunowicz
Prof. Tomasz Koltunowicz
Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Членове на редакционния съвет
Tsvetomila Parvanova-Mancheva
Dr. Tsvetomila Parvanova-Mancheva
Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Rustem Manatbayev
Dr. Rustem Manatbayev
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
Prof. Osman Adiguzel
Prof. Osman Adiguzel
Firat University, Turkey
Dr. Gyula Varga
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gyula Varga
University of Miskolc, Hungary
Pawel Zukowski
Prof. Pawel Zukowski
Vincent Pol University in Lublin, Poland
Alexander Pogrebnjak
Prof. Alexander Pogrebnjak
Sumy State University, Ukraine
Prof. Alexander Goncharov
Prof. Alexander Goncharov
Sumy State University, Ukraine
Shu-Lin Bai
Prof. Shu-Lin Bai
Peking University, China
Prof. Snezana Ilic-Stojanovic
Prof. Snezana Ilic-Stojanovic
University of Nis, Serbia
Assoc. Prof. Dogan Ciloglu
Assoc. Prof. Dogan Ciloglu
Ataturk University, Turkey
Wojciech Ciesielski
Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Ciesielski
Institute of Chemistry, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Poland
Liana Intskirveli
Dr. Liana Intskirveli
Institute of Hydrometeorology, Georgian Technical University, Georgia
Marika Tatishvili
Dr. Marika Tatishvili
Institute of Hydrometeorology, Georgian Technical University, Georgia

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