Nasser. S. AL-Ghumaiz
Pages: 20-24
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 4,240
Downloads: 810
Abstract: The excessive application of chemical fertilizer and pesticides in the wheat growers in Saudi Arabia causes a negative impact on agriculture production. Therefore, the production of wheat organically may finding a appropriate solution to reduce the irrational use of chemical fertilizer or pesticides. The objective of this study is to evaluated selected wheat genotype under organic and conventional farming systems. The experiment was conducted over 2010 and 2011 growing seasons in the central region of Saudi Arabia. The conventional trial was established at Qassim University Agricultural Research and Experimental Station, while organic trial was established at a certified organic farm. Eight bread wheat genotypes were used in this study. Parameters that collected were: Plants height (cm) grain yield straw yield (tons ha-1.), grain filling rate (GFR) (kg/h/d), days to heading (DTH) and days to maturity (DTM). Results showed there was a significant differences (P<0.05) in straw yield between the two systems and among genotypes. No differences in grain yield between conventional and organic systems and among genotypes was found. High grain and straw yields during 2011 versus 2010 growing season was observed. There was a significant differences in plant height between 2010 conventional and organic systems only in local and P3 genotypes. This results confirmed that conventional system recorded a highest plant height during 2011 versus 2010 growing season. Data of grain filling rate (GFR) showed there is a significant differences (P<0.05) between conventional and organic system. A variation between wheat genotypes was observed in E-line and YR had the grater GFR while the lowest was P5, P3 and local genotypes. 2001 growing season showed a greater GFR over 2010.
Keywords: wheat genotype, conventional system, organic system, yield performance, quality
Cite this article: Nasser. S. AL-Ghumaiz. YIELD PERFORMANCE QUALITY OF EIGHT WHEAT GENOTYPES UNDER ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL FARMING SYSTEMS IN SAUDI ARABIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 20-24 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000002/
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