Olga N. Shemshura, Svetlana A. Aytkeldieva, Nadia E. Bekmakhanova, Raushan J. Kaptagai, Elvira T. Ismailova
Pages: 83-90
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,697
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Abstract: In laboratory studies revealed a Bacillus isolates and strains of fungi of the genus Trichoderma, with high antagonistic activity to the agents of fungal diseases of soybean. Selected strains are promising as a basis for the creation of biological products for the protection of soybean pathogens and increase yields.
Keywords: soybean, fusarium, alternaria, sclerotinium, isolates, bacillus, trichoderma, antagonism
Cite this article: Olga N. Shemshura, Svetlana A. Aytkeldieva, Nadia E. Bekmakhanova, Raushan J. Kaptagai, Elvira T. Ismailova. PERSPECTIVES OF USE OF MICROORGANISMS AGAINST SOYBEAN PATHOGENS IN KAZAKHSTAN. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 83-90 (2014).
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