Flamur Hoxha, Skender Kaçiu, Bashkim Demolli
Pages: 227-232
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,918
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Abstract: The purpose of two years of work was the determination of some chemical elements in onion (Allium cepa L.) between the two cultivars: Stuttgarter-Netherlands and cultivar of Prizren-Kosovo in different periods of planting and various preservations conditions of bulbs at room temperature and +5(°C).In the first experiment year is planted the seed while in the second year was made the bulb. Is ascertain is a difference between cultivars in the content of minerals substances.
Keywords: cultivars, stuttgarter-netherlands, prizren-kosovo, onions
Cite this article: Flamur Hoxha, Skender Kaçiu, Bashkim Demolli. CONTENT OF MINERAL SUBSTANCES BETWEEN THE TWO ONION CULTIVARS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 227-232 (2014).
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