Alexander Mikhavich
Pages: 78-87
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,767
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Abstract: Apart from Potassium Chloride and peat, Belarus lacks significant mineral and fuel resources including natural gas, oil and coal. At the same time it has significantly energy intensive economy. Development of renewable energy resources opens up for a double solution, improving of energy independency and reduction of greenhouse gases emission. Currently, only about 6% of electricity produced in Belarus comes from renewable energy sources. It is planning to increase this quantity up to 9% by 2035. The following first pilot projects has been already put into practice: hydro 17 MW, wind 1.5 MW and biogas 0.5 MW. In the framework of the Belarus-EU international technical assistance project “Green Economy in Belarus” it is planning to construct windpower plant near Novogrudok and about 20 smaller green projects.
Keywords: renewable, potential, pilot projects, regulations, technical assistance
Cite this article: Alexander Mikhavich. RENEWABLE ENERGY IN BELARUS: STATUS AND PROSPECTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 78-87 (2014).
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