Oleg V. Doroshenko
Pages: 161-167
Published: 1 Jun 2014
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Abstract: Scientific research conducted by the author, is devoted to the problem of improving Russia's ecological and environmental legislation. In the context of the continuing transformation of the ecological system of Russia this sphere needs particularly careful approach by the judiciary because of its great social significance. Comparative analysis of the current ecological and environmental legislation, allows not only to detect shortcomings and gaps in the Russian legal basis, but also to identify the direction of their corrections. Thus, the presented work certainly has great practical significance. During the writing of research the author has demonstrated a deep level of knowledge, ability to obtain and use information. Analyzed a large reservoir of domestic and foreign sources and literature. Work is independent, creative. Consistency and clarity is not in doubt. Merit of the work is to use an interdisciplinary approach in addressing the topic. Conclusions and suggestions website appear justified and proven. The results were tested at a scientific conference and praised.
Keywords: the ecological, nature protection legislation, the civil ecological rights, the german, russian civil legislation, the address with waste, ecological
Cite this article: Oleg V. Doroshenko. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ECOLOGICAL AND NATURE PROTECTION LEGISLATION OF RUSSIA AND GERMANY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 161-167 (2014).
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