Nadir Sh. Mamilov, Farkhad Kh. Khabibullin, Nailya A. Ibragimova, Anvar Sh. Mamilov, Timofey P. Kostyuk
Pages: 194-204
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,276
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Abstract: The Almaty city was built as a stronghold in the foothills of Alatau mountains (Northern Tien Shan) in 1854. Nowadays more than 1.5 million citizens inhabit here and urbanized area rapidly increases. Hydrochemical analysis as well as analysis of fish diversity and fish population state were provided. Irregular changes in water composition and increase of microbial biomass were revealed in the urban rivers. Drastic alteration in the fish diversity, significant changes in the morphology and biology of naked osman and spotted stone loach were revealed as well as pathologies of fish gills, liver and kidneys.
Keywords: urbanization, hydrochemical, fish, diversity, pathology
Cite this article: Nadir Sh. Mamilov, Farkhad Kh. Khabibullin, Nailya A. Ibragimova, Anvar Sh. Mamilov, Timofey P. Kostyuk. URBANIZATION IMPACT ON THE RIVERS IN THE ALMATY CITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 194-204 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000089/
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