Katya I. Milenova, Penko M. Nikolov, Anna L. Georgieva, Todor T. Batakliev, Vladimir F. Georgiev, Slavcho K. Rakovsky
Pages: 231-236
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,549
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Abstract: Three different reactive dyes - Reactive Blue 19, Reactive Orange 16 and Reactive Red 180 were dissolved in water separately in concentration 0.04g/l as model pollutants for contaminated wastewaters from textile industry. Every wastewater sample was treated by ozone with concentration 2000 ppm for 30 minutes at ambient temperature and the effect of discoloration was traced after 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes. The highest degree of discoloration was obtained for Reactive Blue 19 model water pollutant dye where 98% discoloration was reached after 5 minutes ozonation and 99% after 30 minutes treatment, while the lowest discoloration was observed for Reactive Orange 16 – 84% after 30 minutes treatment. The discoloration degree for the three sample solutions in the whole time interval was as follows: Reactive Blue 19 > Reactive Red 180 > Reactive Orange 16. In summary it can be concluded than application of ozone treatment for wastewaters, containing different reactive dyes is very effective and practically applicable.
Keywords: ozonation, purification, wastewaters, azo dyes, antraquinone dyes, reactive dyes
Cite this article: Katya I. Milenova, Penko M. Nikolov, Anna L. Georgieva, Todor T. Batakliev, Vladimir F. Georgiev, Slavcho K. Rakovsky. DISCOLORATION OF REACTIVE DYES IN WASTEWATERS BY OZONATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 231-236 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000093/
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