Blagorodka Veleva, Elena Hristova, Emilia Nikolova, Maria Kolarova, Raliza Valcheva
Pages: 265-275
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,638
Downloads: 856
Abstract: This study presents the results from experimental investigation of urban aerosol (PM10 fraction) at Central Meteorological Observatory of NIMH in Sofia. Four experimental campaigns were organised in February, July, October and December, 2012. The sampling of 24 hour average concentration was performed by TECORA sampler on quartz filters according to the European Standards. ED-XRF technique was applied to determine more than 20 macro and micro elements from phosphorus to lead in the PM10 filter samples. The measured PM10 daily concentrations are, in general, higher in the winter season. In February they range from 17.7 to 160.1μg.m-3, compared to the lower summer values of 15.5-42.7μg.m-3 in July. In October PM10 varies from 8.43 to 78.3μg.m-3. The highest PM10 concentration, measured on 25 of December (232.6μg.m-3) corresponds to the highest values of most analysed elements. The higher PM10 and elemental concentrations are related to the stagnant meteorological conditions in winter days with calm conditions.
Keywords: urban air pollution, pm10 measurement, elemental composition, edxrf technique
Cite this article: Blagorodka Veleva, Elena Hristova, Emilia Nikolova, Maria Kolarova, Raliza Valcheva. SEASONAL VARIATION OF PM10 ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION IN URBAN ENVIRONMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 265-275 (2014).
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