Jan Cimo, Lucia Maderkova, Lenka Szomorova, Jaroslav Antal, Dusan Igaz, Jan Horak
Pages: 276-285
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,737
Downloads: 863
Abstract: The aim of this article is to point precipitation occurrence in the Nitra town area in years 1961 – 2010. The precipitations were considered in 3 categories within decades - always during spring, summer, autumn and winter months: number of days with precipitation of 0,1 mm and more, days with precipitation of 1 mm and more, days with precipitation of 10 mm and more. In the conclusion, we can assume a higher number of cases with precipitation increase over 10 mm were recorded and it considerably influences the amount of water in soil. This increase was recorded mainly in spring and autumn.
Keywords: precipitation, climatic change, agricultural
Cite this article: Jan Cimo, Lucia Maderkova, Lenka Szomorova, Jaroslav Antal, Dusan Igaz, Jan Horak. ANALYSIS OF PRECIPITATION CHANGES IN DANUBIAN LOWLAND. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 276-285 (2014).
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