Petra Semancova, Danica Fazekasova, Dana Kotorova, Eva Michaeli, Stanislav Torma
Pages: 298-304
Published: 1 Jun 2014
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Abstract: Polder of Besa is non-regularly flooded area that is the largest dry polder in the middle Europe. This paper is oriented to evaluate soil conditions situated in studied area. Soil samples for determination the physical and biological properties were taken from four depth profiles of 0.0 – 0.6 m at 0.2 m. From the physical properties, grain size and bulk density of the biological properties of the activity of urease, acid and alkaline phosphatise were investigated. Experimental data were evaluated by statistical methods. Content of clay particles was in the range 22.28 – 78.89% what tells us about the high difference in their minimum and maximum content. The average bulk density in individual depths of soil profile was in the range from 1.110 to 1.787 kg m-3. Spatial variability was also demonstrated in terms of individual enzyme activities. The results confirm the prediction of marked heterogeneity of soil conditions in Eastern Slovak lowland.
Keywords: soil textures, physical properties, enzymes of soil
Cite this article: Petra Semancova, Danica Fazekasova, Dana Kotorova, Eva Michaeli, Stanislav Torma. THE SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF SOIL CONDITIONS IN THE DRY POLDER OF BESA (SLOVAKIA). Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 298-304 (2014).
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