Elena A. Yatsenko, Victoria A. Smolii, Boris M. Goltsman, Andrey S. Kosarev
Pages: 54-61
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 2,977
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Abstract: Technology of synthesis of environmental-friendly thermal insulating glass material based on thermal power plant’s slag wastes – foamed slag glass was developed. Studies identified the optimal charge’s compositions and modes of synthesis, defined technological and operational properties: flammability , high resistance to water, acids, resistance to insects and rodents, low density and water absorption; thermal conductivity of not more than 0.08 W/(m · K) compressive strength of not less than 2.5 MPa; unlimited lifetime in the range of -150 ... +550 °C at a cost of 3-5 times lower in comparison with market counterparts.
Keywords: slag wastes, building materials, thermal insulation, foam glass
Cite this article: Elena A. Yatsenko, Victoria A. Smolii, Boris M. Goltsman, Andrey S. Kosarev. FOAMED GLASS BASED ON SLAG WASTES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 54-61 (2014).
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