Aleksey R. Evseev
Pages: 370-381
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 2,894
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Abstract: This study deals with development and application of the optic methods for investigation of the two-phase flows with high concentration of dispersed phase (optically opaque). The original three-fiber optical probe of the laser Doppler anemometer (LDA), operating in the regime of back-scattering, was developed. The velocities and concentrations of particles in a circulating fluidized bed were measured. The modified two-fiber optic probe of the reflecting type was developed; this sensor was used for measurements of the liquid film thickness inside the distillation column. The field of its application includes high-concentrated two-phase flows, difficult-to-reach places (behind an obstacle), and full-scale objects. The method of refractive index matching (RIM) was developed for investigation of the highly concentrated solid-liquid flows. The turbulent regime of liquid filtering inside the flow passage of the regular packed bed was investigated with application of LDA and RIM technique.
Keywords: two-phase flows, dispersed phase, concentration, optic methods, fiber optical probe
Cite this article: Aleksey R. Evseev. OPTIC METHODS OF INVESTIGATION FOR THE TWO-PHASE FLOWS WITH HIGH CONCENTRATION OF THE DISPERSED PHASE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 370-381 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000185/
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