Vladimir Saly, Michal Vary, Viktor Schlosser, Juraj Packa, Milan Perny, Eduard Firicky, Ondrej Kulich, Vladimir Durman
Pages: 557-565
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 2,897
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is the investigation of electrical and mechanical properties of solar cells assembled into modules, before and after accelerated ageing. It was shown that impedance spectroscopy measurement and characterization is an important tool to reveal the degradation due to high voltage stress and increased temperature stress. The mechanical parameters were derived from natural vibration measurements. Important differences between the results of measurements were found before and after stressing the modules.
Keywords: solar cells and modules, accelerated ageing, high voltage stress, impedance spectroscopy
Cite this article: Vladimir Saly, Michal Vary, Viktor Schlosser, Juraj Packa, Milan Perny, Eduard Firicky, Ondrej Kulich, Vladimir Durman. DIAGNOSTICS OF POTENTIAL INDUCED DEGRADATION IN PHOTOVOLTAICS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 557-565 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000205/
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