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Materials, Methods & Technologies 2024, 26th International Conference
15-18 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Materials, Methods & Technologies, Volume 8, 2014

Marko Jovanovic
Pages: 647-654
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 2,607
Downloads: 966
Abstract: Mid-rise and high-rise buildings in dense urban areas have higher exposure to sunlight and heat, due to heat island gain, flatness of facades and improper use of insulation materials with regards to thermal comfort. Use of proper materials and adequate facade design methods, as building specific parameters, can optimize the solar insolation to suit a specific geographical location. This paper will focus mainly on the influence of various facade extrusion types, specifically balconies, horizontal and vertical extrusions. Their influence on the solar insolation and sunlight exposure of the accompanying facade throughout the year, for a specific geographic location and orientation is analyzed and compared amongst one another. Such information can further be used as input parameters for optimizing urban planning algorithms on a major scale, focusing on desired solar exposure, considering orientation.
Keywords: extrusion, balcony, solar exposure, insolation, cornice
Cite this article: Marko Jovanovic. FACADE EXTRUSIONS' INFLUENCE ON THE BUILDING SOLAR INSOLATION PERFORMANCE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 647-654 (2014).
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