Katerina Dulčić
Pages: 117-125
Published: 25 Aug 2014
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Abstract: The author considers the impact of the new media from the aspect of civil liability actions done on the internet. New technologies have become widely accessible for everyone. They allow easy and fast communication. Literally everybody can be a publisher on social networks, blogs or just comments on sites. In not such a long ago history, publishers were big companies with ability to pay damages. Today, the responsible person can be even a child. Therefore, the courts have made some decisions that declared intermediates responsible for their clients’ actions. To protect themselves, the internet service providers should not allow anonymous services or protect themselves with adequate measures. The legal cases explained in the article show which conducts results with liability or frees of responsibility in some jurisdictions.
Keywords: internet service provider, civil liability, damages, user generated content, author’s responsibility
Cite this article: Katerina Dulčić. NEW MEDIA AND CIVIL LIABILITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Media & Mass Communication 3, 117-125 (2014).
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