Kamo P. Chilingaryan, Rimma G. Gorbatenko
Pages: 40-53
Published: 25 Aug 2014
Views: 3,181
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Abstract: Modern society faces many acute social, political, ethnic, intercultural, communication challenges. It is education that helps preserve social stability and alteration of forms and types of interpersonal relations. Thus, the issue of tolerance and communicative competences, as stable personality characteristics, become crucial. This problem is a top priority today for educators. Education deals with training young learners to survive in the multicultural linguistic environment, where it is essential to develop his/her native language, but also to understand the uniqueness of other languages.
Keywords: tolerance, competence, competency, multilingual, communication, life long learning, key competences
Cite this article: Kamo P. Chilingaryan, Rimma G. Gorbatenko. COMPETENCE AND COMPETENCY. ABILITY AND MOTIVATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 40-53 (2014).
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