Olga O. Kirillova
Pages: 101-112
Published: 25 Aug 2014
Views: 3,453
Downloads: 898
Abstract: This article is aimed at studying of cultural and linguistic connections between Australia and Great Britain in modern and historical aspects. There is much in common in the culture and the history of these countries: in the sphere of the state symbols, traditions, customs, architecture, toponymy and others. The paper presents the research on the impact of the UK on different areas of life in Australia and, of course, the interaction of these two cultures. Influence of English culture has been dominating for a long time, and the national identity of the Australians developed in juxtaposition of European and Colonial ways of living. In every cultural aspect one can easily notice lots of analogies to traditional British cultural values which have passed a fascinating way from adoption through transformation to adaptation and creation of Australian national culture.
Keywords: australian customs, australian traditions, transformation, adaptation, australian flag, australian anthem, australian coat of arms, national symbols o
Cite this article: Olga O. Kirillova. BRITISH CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS IN AUSTRALIA: THEIR TRANSFORMATION AND ADAPTATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 101-112 (2014).
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