Rakesh Chandra Joshi
Pages: 175-181
Published: 25 Aug 2014
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Abstract: Numerous books dealing with the theoretical aspects of translation are being written now-a-days without much caring for the practical aspects of translation. Translation of a literary work always seems to be more difficult as compared to non-literary scientific or technological works. Difficulty in translation of a literary work also depends on its genre or form. Translating fiction and drama written in prose is easier than translating poetry or poetic creations. Translating symbols in poetry sometimes seems challenging. Use of mythological references in poetry also makes translator’s task complicated. Translation may look different when translated from a secondary source. Sometimes even translating ideas from a book may create something new and original. An academician-cum-translator may spoil or improve the original work by the might of his scholasticism knowingly or unknowingly. If the translator himself is the writer of the original, his task becomes easier. Translation, no doubt, is a creative activity.
Keywords: theory, practice, translation, literary, technological, genres, symbols, mythological
Cite this article: Rakesh Chandra Joshi. PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF TRANSLATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 175-181 (2014).
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