Nela Vlahinić
Pages: 111-123
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,231
Downloads: 1,088
Abstract: Since July 2000 the Croatian energy sector has been subject to market liberalisation, deregulation, restructuring and privatisation, with a strong focus on adaptation of its legislation to the EU Acquis Communautaire. Although the energy market has been formally fully open, there are still not enough market players to create real competition. After the adoption of the Third energy package in 2012 energy market reforms are entering the new phase that requires new development platform, as well as new energy strategy and policy. However, energy reforms have been influenced by unfavourable macroeconomic environment and continuous economic recession since 2009 which hindered new investments and technological upgrading in energy sector. The aim of the paper is to give an overview of energy market reforms in Croatia with special reference to EU energy policy as a wider framework and to indicate current and future challenges, as well as perspectives for Croatian energy sector.
Keywords: energy reforms, croatia, eu energy policy, market liberalisation
Cite this article: Nela Vlahinić. ENERGY MARKET REFORMS IN CROATIA: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 111-123 (2014).
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