Iwona M. Pawlas
Pages: 237-251
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,302
Downloads: 619
Abstract: It has been ten years since Poland joined the European Union in May 2004. Integration with the EU structures resulted in considerable economic, social and political advantages. On the other hand membership in the EU created new challenges for Poland, the Polish companies and the Polish citizens. The paper reviews selected issues of Poland’s integration with the European Union with special focus on net financial effect of membership, competitiveness of Polish goods on single European market, participation in Common Regional Policy/New Cohesion Policy, as well as the development of migration tendencies. Additionally it presents the changes in the position of Poland in the enlarged European Union with respect to socio-economic development.
Keywords: poland, european union, regional economic integration
Cite this article: Iwona M. Pawlas. EUROPEAN INTEGRATION FROM POLAND’S VIEWPOINT. SELECTED ISSUES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 237-251 (2014).
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