Nikolay A. Ganichev
Pages: 389-398
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,129
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Abstract: One of the main problems of the Russian science-intensive and high technology complex is a huge dependence on imported component base. Meanwhile approaches for its solution used by the Russian Government seems to be insufficient and inefficient especially in the long run. The author discusses an alternative way of development for radio-electronic industry in Russia that is to fund several long-term promising chip production technology of new generation. The results of comparative prognostic calculations for two development scenarios using an intersectoral balance model for science-intensive and high technology complex is provided.
Keywords: innovation, high-technology, economic modernization, russian economy, electronic complex, radio industry, forecast, import substitution program
Cite this article: Nikolay A. Ganichev. ALTERNATIVE TO THE IMPORT SUBSTITUTION POLICY IN RUSSIAN RADIO-ELECTRONIC COMPLEX. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 389-398 (2014).
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