Tsvetanka N. Dzhiganska
Pages: 516-523 Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,187 Downloads: 575
Abstract: Cervical cancer is a significant medical and social problem. In Bulgaria there is a tendency of morbidity and mortality rate increase. The values reached during the latest years are among the highest in Europe. Women of 35 to 65 years of age are the most affected, but all sexually active women are at risk. Due to many factors – social, psychological, health and ethical alike – cervical cancer is frequently detected at a clinical stage that makes its treatment difficult. Prevention is crucial for this disease when the aim is to preserve women’s lives. It is efficient only by a combination of vaccination and regular preventive checkups.
Keywords: efficiency prevention, cervical cancer
Cite this article: Tsvetanka N. Dzhiganska. ECONOMIC AND DIAGNOSTIC EFFICIENCY OF CERVICAL CANCER PREVENTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 516-523 (2014).
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