Agim Derguti
Pages: 641-649
Published: 29 Aug 2014
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Abstract: Industrial parks are the most important morphological concentration of industrial facilities in a particular location, considered as more advantageous and optimal from other locations identified or projected. This area should be a part of the urban area designated for production or services which is established for the advancement of business activity for entrepreneurs, but also to modernize the industry in general. This paper will deal with the analysis of the elements that have to do with identifying the factors that influence the choice of locations for free economic zones or industrial parks. So the conducted study is a research effort to identify appropriate locations by interviewing managers and some protagonists of the individual companies but also taking into account the opinion of experts. This topic was addressed during the field work by visiting some companies, free zones and industrial zones in which are conducted structured interviews regarding the location of individual companies and their customers' satisfaction associated with these locations. For all the locations are specific factors that have largely determined their subsequent activity. Ferizaj industrial park which is situated between the two capital cities, Pristine and Skopje, in which they develop their activity fourteen enterprises, will have the dedicated attention. This location is considered the right one chosen among the other industrial parks in Kosovo, as Drenasit, Mitrovica, Skenderaj, Vushtrri, Shtime, etc.
Keywords: industrial zones, free zones, location, economic zones, industrial park
Cite this article: Agim Derguti. IMPORTANCE OF LOCATIONS IN THE INDUSTRIAL PARKS - FERIZAJ CASE STUDY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 641-649 (2014).
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