Pages: 671-682 Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,251 Downloads: 724
Abstract: The Cohesion Policy of the European Union is the most important one for the integration process of the Member States. The present 2014-2020 programming period has a number of new financial instruments for the implementation of the Cohesion Policy. Thus, each Member State may implement these instruments for the specific needs of its operational programs. The purpose of the paper is to present the opportunities of the financial instruments of the EU Cohesion Policy for Bulgaria and to analyze the absorption process possibilities and problems for this policy.
Keywords: eu funds absorption, cohesion policy, bulgaria, eu funding financial instruments
Cite this article: Irena Nikolova. INSTRUMENTS OF EU COHESION POLICY FOR BULGARIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 671-682 (2014).
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