Jurgita Baranauskiene, Valdemaras Makutenas, Albina Novosinskiene
Pages: 856-867
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,034
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Abstract: Public projects don’t generate enough income to be financially justified, but create social benefits. Every project should be evaluated in order to make the investment decision. The cost-benefit analysis is a common method for public project evaluation, but this method does not fully comply with the basic concept of public projects. This theoretical and empirical research disclosed limitations of the cost-benefit analysis, used for public projects evaluation and identified the problem field for improving the cost-benefit analysis or creating new methods for public project evaluation.
Keywords: investment, public project, social benefits, cost-benefit analysis
Cite this article: Jurgita Baranauskiene, Valdemaras Makutenas, Albina Novosinskiene. WHAT ARE LEFT UNDERESTIMATED USING COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS FOR PUBLIC PROJECT EVALUATION?. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 856-867 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000442/
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