Marek Prymon
Pages: 903-910
Published: 29 Aug 2014
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Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to present the result of studies and research on strategies in services sector. The starting point is the review of traditional approaches to the essence of services as market products, including the so called Scandinavian School of Services. An author considers as an alternative in: intangibility versus process nature of services. Next part of a paper contains the revision of classical approach to product in the context of the mainstream of marketing theory, including Philip Kotler's teaching. Later, the idea of marketing mix in services sector is revised. An author assumes that strategies in services sector need to be compliant with both the nature of the very service sector and specifics of small enterprises. On such bases some typology of strategies is developed. Special focus in the final part of the paper is on the problems of time horizons of strategies in services organisation. The results of studies should be useful in the process of teaching marketing students and also as an inspiration for service enterprises.
Keywords: services, physical products, dynamic concept of product, niche strategy, coopetition strategy, symbiotic strategy
Cite this article: Marek Prymon. GENERIC MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR ENTERPRISES IN SERVICES MARKET. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 903-910 (2014).
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