Vaida Stulpinienė, Vida Čiulevičienė
Pages: 936-946
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,211
Downloads: 688
Abstract: Strategically and socially, agriculture is an important part of European economy. It is important to work efficiently not only to large family farms or agricultural cooperatives but also to small and medium-sized family farms. Researchers showed that Lithuanian farms are financially stable. However, there is lack of studies about agricultural support influence on farms financial stability and profitability. Also farm profitability ratios depend on farm type. This paper investigates farms financial stability and profitability after elimination agricultural support according to farm type. In the investigation applied statistical analysis.
Keywords: farm, profitability, stability, agricultural support
Cite this article: Vaida Stulpinienė, Vida Čiulevičienė. AGRICULTURAL SUPPORT INFLUENCE ON FARM FINANCIAL STABILITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 936-946 (2014).
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