Csaba Tapler, Csaba I. Hencz
Pages: 1105-1112
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 2,906
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Abstract: The last decades brought an enormous information boom generated by community-, enterprise- and personal activities. Net mobile technologies appeared which made former unrealistic theories come true or at least realistic such as gaining exact information about town dwellers’ activities and traveling customs. Our current research investigates how these technologies can serve a personalized trip planning application relating smart city concept. One aspect of Smart City concept is to aid the people scheduling their daily activities according to certain constraints. The cost of time is on a constant increase in today’s society. Therefore the personalized activity scheduling for individuals is gaining major interest. The feedback of this scheduling can be connected to smart city controlling and planning participants. This paper provides an overview of the input data collection methods, demand forecasting and scheduling logic of the individual activity-based trip planning.
Keywords: smart city, demand analysis, trip optimization, activity based planning
Cite this article: Csaba Tapler, Csaba I. Hencz. APPLICATION OF EXPERT SYSTEMS IN PERSONALIZED TRIP PLANNING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 1105-1112 (2014).
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