Ekaterina Ugnich
Pages: 1140-1147
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,200
Downloads: 844
Abstract: The acceleration of scientific and technical progress requires such mechanisms which will work for the formation of synergistic effect within the frameworks of building of innovative economy. One of such mechanisms is the formation of efficient venture capital ecosystem, which stimulates attraction of resources into innovative projects. This research work is devoted to the analysis of the problems of domestic venture capital ecosystem’s functioning. According to the author, the prospects of development of venture capital business are determined by the availability of effective development institutions and their interconnection, which constitute a unified system with a specific internal environment. This research work is devoted to the quest of the most optimal model of the mechanism of venture funding. The combination of various development institutions, which allow the project to move by the type of an “innovative lift”, the unified approach to the management of the project at all its stages on the basis of special principles form the further prospects of venture business.
Keywords: venture capital ecosystem, innovative lift, development institutions
Cite this article: Ekaterina Ugnich. DEVELOPMENT OF VENTURE CAPITAL ECOSYSTEM IN RUSSIAN ECONOMY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 1140-1147 (2014).
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