Nataliya V. Bukhanova, Sergey A. Chemezov, Elena V. Taptygina, Gavhar Zh. Zharylkasynova, Rano U. Juldacheva, Larisa E. Petrova, Elena V. Pavlenko
Pages: 102-113
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,863
Downloads: 787
Abstract: Although usage of Web 2.0 has expanded dramatically among Russian and Uzbek postsecondary students, little is known about medical students and teachers preferences and attitudes toward Web 2.0 use as a learning tool. Objectives: To assess the usage of Web 2.0 applications by teachers and students in Russian and Uzbek medical schools; to examine their perceptions toward use of these tools in curriculum. Methods: A paper-based survey was administered among undergraduate medical students and teachers at two Russian and one Uzbek medical schools. Responses were received from 184 students and 69 teachers (response rate 92% for students and 69% for teachers) and analysed using descriptive statistics. Results and conclusion: medical students actively used Web 2.0 tools for personal purposes, preferred to receive learning materials through the Internet, and were positive toward using those applications in learning. Their teachers however used Web 2.0 tools seldom and preferred traditional teaching format.
Keywords: e-learning, medical education, internet use, web 2.0
Cite this article: Nataliya V. Bukhanova, Sergey A. Chemezov, Elena V. Taptygina, Gavhar Zh. Zharylkasynova, Rano U. Juldacheva, Larisa E. Petrova, Elena V. Pavlenko. WEB 2.0 USAGE PREFERENCES AND ATTITUDES AMONG THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN RUSSIAN AND UZBEK MEDICAL SCHOOLS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 102-113 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000483/
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