Abstract: In the article are being analyzed the results of pedagogical experiment for research of effectiveness of the practical lesson "Analysis of drinking water" in teaching the school subject "Chemistry and environmental protection" (in the 10th grade, specialized training). In appendix is presented the methodological development of the lesson which includes: aims and tasks of the lesson, questions and problems for preliminary preparation of students, chemical experiments for determination physical properties and chemical composition of drinking water.
Keywords: environmental education, chemistry education, analysis of drinking water
Cite this article: Antoaneta A. Angelacheva. PRACTICAL LESSON "ANALYSIS OF DRINKING WATER" IN TEACHING "CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION" (IN THE 10TH GRADE). Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 166-176 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000489/
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