Melania A. Duca
Pages: 240-246
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,886
Downloads: 894
Abstract: Cultural and professional training of the physician and health care worker is lacking; teaching programmes often lack historical content and methodology, lack ethical content, sometimes even linguistic, in any case sociological. History can avoid the dangers inherent to science, as a product of man. However, the last Italian University Reform has silently made, the same history of medicine, to slip in the area of specific medical sciences. Means that only physicians can teach this discipline or that it will be always more difficult for who comes from a humanistic training to research about history of medicine. We absolutely need, especially in Italy, a new history, inspired by new criteria, by philosophical principles, to be able to take foreign comparisons. It’s why we need to draw the European scientific attention on the Italian University which is too much conditioned. Dangerous situation which risks to damage the quality of science and medicine.
Keywords: history of medicine, philosophy of medicine, azevedo maia a., chirone v.
Cite this article: Melania A. Duca. HOW THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE CAN CHANGE MEDICINE ITSELF. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 240-246 (2014).
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