A. Banteli, J. A. Gwilliam
Pages: 277-288
Published: 4 Sep 2014
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Abstract: In order to transition towards economic growth and development the dissemination of Higher Education Institutions’ (HEI) expertise to Industry is vital. However, traditionally HEIs have failed to respond in an effective and timely manner to Industry training needs. One of the reasons is their traditional focus on full degrees and a perceived lack of interest in delivery of more responsive courses including smaller awards and Continued Professional Development (CPD). The Low Carbon Research Institute, through the Welsh Energy Sector Training project, has undertaken research on HEI delivery in the area of Low Carbon Education available to the Welsh workforce. Results show that current training needs cannot be catered for by current education and training provision in Wales as this was found to lack the flexibility needed to cater for Industry’s needs. This highlights the importance of WEST and similar initiatives in linking HEIs with Industry as well as the need for HEIs to investigate ways to enable effective engagement with Industry.
Keywords: higher education, industry engagement, cpd
Cite this article: A. Banteli, J. A. Gwilliam. LINKING HIGHER EDUCATION TRAINING AND INDUSTRY IN THE WELSH LOW CARBON SECTOR. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 277-288 (2014).
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