Jelena Malesko, Olga Tjurdju
Pages: 435-449
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 3,037
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Abstract: Business Communication training contributes to company overall effectiveness (improved services/product quality, personality development, shortened decision making period), provided that traditional teaching methods are complemented by specifically devised, customised training activities and methods ,e.g. on the bases of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Spoken English For Industry and Commerce level 3 papers. Research unit-groups are intermediate and above level of English employees of two companies representing different scope, profile and needs. Evaluation methods-progress tests, feedback (self & peer), supervisors’, department managers’, feedback, gathered through personal talks, observations, questioners. Findings–being flexible, customer-focused and integrative, methodology works irrespective of company size, profile or environment; Recommends expansion of teaching methods and tasks applied, suggests the necessity of aggregative training. This paper is aimed to provide an approach to selecting teaching methods and tasks when designing the course in oral business communication; when planning particular unit sessions; as well as each particular session delivery methods.
Keywords: business communication, methodology, assessment, evaluation, effectiveness
Cite this article: Jelena Malesko, Olga Tjurdju. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CORPORATE TRAINING IN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 435-449 (2014).
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