Tomas Palenik, Martin Rakus, Peter Farkas, Markus Rupp, Adao Silva, Jan Dobos
Pages: 670-676
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,853
Downloads: 990
Abstract: This paper provides guidelines for young researchers regarding the preparation of their scientific projects and subsequent transfer of experience from the research into the courses they teach in the classroom. As a complete example it focuses mainly on the area of advanced wireless communication networks, such as the known 3GPP LTE and LTE-A, directly targeting important problem in complex system research – the acceleration of simulations by means of parallelization. Such processing influences the research progress, it also brings important experience that can be later used in classroom.
Keywords: acceleration, simulation, gpu, turbo-decoding
Cite this article: Tomas Palenik, Martin Rakus, Peter Farkas, Markus Rupp, Adao Silva, Jan Dobos. ACCELERATION OF ALGORITHMS USED IN 4G NETWORKS IN RESEARCH AND CLASSROOM. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 670-676 (2014).
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