Leda A. Sysoeva
Pages: 677-684
Published: 4 Sep 2014
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Abstract: The IS projects currently in use are characterized by the necessity to provide the ways and methods of measurement of necessary indicators and metrics at the initial stages of the project, which will be re-quired during the integration of the existing system with BI-system. The article reviews methodologies which are needed to be considered when forming metrics of business processes and the business ser-vices used with the support of information technologies and systems. As a result of the performed analysis the multilevel metrics structure of the university information and analytical system was creat-ed and developed based on the methodologies RUP, ITIL, ITSM, BPM, of project management.
Keywords: the process approach for project management, service oriented information system, man-agement of information system, pdca cycle, metrics of informatio
Cite this article: Leda A. Sysoeva. THE METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF METRICS CREATION FOR INFORMATION-ANALYTICAL SYSTEM OF UNIVERSITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 677-684 (2014).
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