Liliane Steiner, Eti Gilad
Pages: 760-768
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,737
Downloads: 572
Abstract: Combining higher education and motherhood is a complicated and challenging task. Within patriar-chal societies this challenge turns to be acute. Women living in such societies are deprived from the right of family planning. Motherhood is experienced as a feminine lot women have to comply with. Moreover, it constitutes a guarantee to moving out to the public sphere. This study focuses on the con-ception of combining higher education and motherhood as it emanated from the experience of reli-gious Jewish students-mothers and Bedouin students-mothers. It probes also the cultural -related simi-larities and divergences. It transpires that students-mothers from both cultures exert great efforts in their way out of the private sphere and consider higher- education as the ultimate pathway to self-actualization over motherhood. Though the Jewish religious students-mothers are much more influ-enced by the non-religious society similarities are discerned in the experience of the two groups.
Keywords: higher education, motherhood, intercultural societies, self-actualisation, patriarchal so-cieties
Cite this article: Liliane Steiner, Eti Gilad. STUDENTS-MOTHERS' CONCEPTION ON COMBINING HIGHER EDUCATION AND MOTHERHOOD - A COMPARATIVE INTERCULTURAL OUTLOOK. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 760-768 (2014).
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