Siri Adolph, Michael Tisch, Joachim Metternich
Pages: 1001-1010
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 4,638
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Abstract: Research shows that efficient processes through a mere optimization of machinery and equipment are not sufficient in order to be competitive to other companies. The analysis of so-called megatrends indicates flexibility, changeability and efficiency as differentiating factors in the competition of production sites. For this purpose in the future employees at all levels of the hierarchy must be capable to act even in case of complex challenges and in unfamiliar situations. This article identifies the challenges of future production and derives necessary competencies for an exemplary field of action. Based on this, innovative learning approaches are identified in order to effectively develop needed capacities in an efficient manner.
Keywords: competency development, future production, learning tools, future challenges, megatrend
Cite this article: Siri Adolph, Michael Tisch, Joachim Metternich. CHALLENGES AND APPROACHES TO COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT FOR FUTURE PRODUCTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 1001-1010 (2014).
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