Abstract: This study focused on how to reduce learners’ anxiety and hopefully improve later listening comprehension. It was the intent of the study to show that through lexical and grammatical awareness listening comprehension can improve. For this purpose, 60students at the Pre-intermediate English proficiency level participated in the study. They were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group was exposed to anxiety awareness of listening comprehension while the control group participated in conventional listening comprehension classroom. Quantitative findings indicated a negative association between listening anxiety and linguistic knowledge. The study lasted for four weeks and the treatment was applied to learners in experimental group. The sixty participants were given a pre-test and post test following a foreign language listening anxiety questionnaire to answer. The results showed a notable improvement in learners’ listening comprehension and reducing their anxiety due to receiving lexical and grammatical awareness.
Keywords: effect of anxiety, awareness, listening comprehension
Cite this article: Bahman Gojian. EFFECT OF ANXIETY AWARENESS ON LISTENING COMPREHENSION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 1057-1064 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000590/
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