Martin Rakus, Eva Samuhelova, Jan Dobos
Pages: 1065-1082
Published: 22 Sep 2014
Views: 3,211
Downloads: 972
Abstract: The following paper presents one approach on how to improve the linkage between presented theoretical content of the lectures in telecommunications courses by demonstrating real signals representing given theory by means of modelling. This is realized with Telecommunications Instructional Modelling System - TIMS from EMONA, Australia. In order to reduce the cost of the lab equipment, experiments are demonstrated by the teacher. All of the bellow mentioned experiments are suited for undergraduate and graduate students participating in telecommunication courses.
Keywords: experiment, modelling, telecommunications
Cite this article: Martin Rakus, Eva Samuhelova, Jan Dobos. LINKING THEORY AND PRACTICE USING TELECOMMUNICATIONS INSTRUCTIONAL MODELLING SYSTEM - TIMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 1065-1082 (2014).
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