Lidia Wollman
Pages: 154-165
Published: 24 Sep 2014
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Abstract: Today's world of rapid and diverse change needs thinking and creative people who can, in cooperation with others, solve new, surprising problems of humanity and act for the common good. To prepare such a person for life, school should depart from the implementation of top-imposed curricula and textbooks, and take care of the educational environment in which each child will have the opportunity to discover, develop and hone their talents and abilities, and awaken the appetite for learning throughout life. This places new demands on teachers, who become responsible for shaping the future of society towards peaceful coexistence, creative cooperation and humanitarianism.
Keywords: thinking, develop, learning, school
Cite this article: Lidia Wollman. SCHOOL AS A PLACE FOR DEVELOPING THINKING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 154-165 (2014).
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