A. G. Kruglov, A. Yu. Vasiliev
Pages: 808-811
Published: 25 Sep 2014
Views: 2,731
Downloads: 598
Abstract: In the article, the core component of the integrated behavioral unit - the ideal image of the goal (IG) – is looked at as an electrodynamic structure circulating in a ring of interneurons and generated by the neural networks that owe their activity to homeostatic imbalance. The afferent information flow; the ideal image of the goal, synthesized and retained until the results of the goal-directed behavior are achieved; the motivational gradient including efferent mechanisms are integrated into the electrodynamic structure of the image of the goal. Being an active one-dimensional distributed system, the electrodynamic structure (EDS), with the help of the motivational gradient, spontaneously, by using the information incorporated in IG, forms spatially heterogeneous structures, which are responsible for adaptive behavior. The article outlines mathematical methods of description of the integrated behavioral unit and of the ideal image of goal.
Keywords: subjective time, psychological image, goal-directed behavior, image of the goal, topology space, integrated behavioral unit, artificial intelligence
Cite this article: A. G. Kruglov, A. Yu. Vasiliev. PSYCHOLOGICAL IMAGE AS AN ACTIVE DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 808-811 (2014).
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