Young Tae Kong
Pages: 1207-1219
Published: 27 Nov 2014
Views: 2,771
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Abstract: This study aims to incorporate inquiry-based assessment questions in science assessment and analyzes students’ responses in purpose of evaluating scientific inquiry abilities of fifth and sixth grade students in Korea. In this study, we mainly report the result about matter (chemistry) content domain among assessment questions. The results were as follows. First, scientific inquiry abilities of fifth and sixth graders in Korea elementary school are lower than that of their general school’s assessment. Second, students’ preconception and misconceptions in matter content domain were obtained through the development and application of inquiry-based assessment questions, and teaching approaches for increasing students’ inquiry skills were also obtained.
Keywords: inquiry based assessment, elementary student, inquiry ability, korea, matter domain
Cite this article: Young Tae Kong. APPLICATION OF INQUIRY-BASED SCIENCE ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS FOR KOREAN ELEMENTARY STUDENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 1207-1219 (2014).
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