Antonio Coviello, Giovanni Di Trapani
Pages: 1263-1275
Published: 28 Nov 2014
Views: 2,932
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Abstract: The phenomena of natural origin are part of life on Earth, but their effects can become destructive interacting with a man-made territory and often unprepared. There are different definitions of a natural disaster on the basis of different approaches; consider specifically that of Turner (1976): the impact of an extreme event concentrated in space and time, which greatly exceeds human expectations in terms of magnitude and frequency and that has a profound impact on the socio-economic system.
Keywords: insurance, risk management, natural disaster
Cite this article: Antonio Coviello, Giovanni Di Trapani. INSURANCE COVERAGE AGAINST THE RISK OF NATURAL DISASTERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 1263-1275 (2014).
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