Irina Yu. Ivanova, Tatiana F. Tuguzova, Dmitry D. Nogovitsyn, Vladislav A. Shakirov, Zinaida M. Sheina, Lyudmila P. Sergeeva
Pages: 636-641
Published: 16 Dec 2014
Views: 3,308
Downloads: 920
Abstract: Efficiency of wind power stations (WPS) for power supply of settlements of the eastern Arctic area of Russia has been assessed in the article on the example of the Allaikhovsky district of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia. Authors consider using of wind power as an additive energy source, as the power supply of the district in the near future will remain autonomous, and the diesel power will be basic and a guaranteed source of energy. Therefore, exploitation of wind power could partly reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. The work takes into account the changes of indicators of wind potential during one year, fuel prices, and annual electricity consumption schedule with the aim of financial and different types of wind turbines applying economic assessment for an Arctic settlement isolated from energetic systems.
Keywords: renewable energy, wps, decentralized consumer, autonomous energy source, economic efficiency, payback period
Cite this article: Irina Yu. Ivanova, Tatiana F. Tuguzova, Dmitry D. Nogovitsyn, Vladislav A. Shakirov, Zinaida M. Sheina, Lyudmila P. Sergeeva. ON EFFICIENCY OF WIND POWER USE FOR POWER SUPPLY OF THE ARCTIC DISTRICTS OF YAKUTIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 636-641 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000629/
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