Janos Radics, Istvan J. Jori, Laszlo Fenyvesi
Pages: 1-11
Published: 15 Jan 2015
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Abstract: Since industrial revolution, significant changes have been made in the atmosphere by human activity. Tillage has prominent role in climate change mitigation with use of tillage practices which lower soil greenhouse gas emission. The main influences of climate change lead to the use of intelligent implements which are able to measure the working parameters, using before generated working maps to adjust settings to do optimal work for low energy consumption and rapid operation. To utilize possibilities of computer aided farming systems, new tillage machines need to be developed which are reducing soil disturbation to lower soil CO2 emission through adjusting working parameters in real-time to be able to determine necessity of tillage calculated from soil condition maps. Our team is working to create to build the grounds of these machines. In this paper we introduce our previous soil EC, soil CO2 emission and crop residue detection research and results.
Keywords: intelligent implements, soil ec, co2 flux, crop residue detecting
Cite this article: Janos Radics, Istvan J. Jori, Laszlo Fenyvesi. INTELLIGENT TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS TO MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 3, 1-11 (2015).
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