Peter Halaj, Denisa Halajová, Viliam Bárek
Pages: 123-131
Published: 28 May 2015
Views: 3,053
Downloads: 753
Abstract: Functionality of aquatic biota reaches optimal state within the certain range of the water temperatures. The water temperature is a critical determinant of the abundance and diversity of biota in the stream. It influences growth, survival, distribution, and reproduction processes of aquatic species. Better understanding of the processes connected to stream temperature regime, thermal energy exchange at the interface between the water and the atmosphere has become recently part of debates on climate change impacts. The article is focused on analysis of key aspects which mainly affect thermal regime and heat exchange dynamics in stream and summarize the tools for prediction of negative impact of thermal load. The authors describe possibilities for reducing the impact with goal to keep good ecological quality of the streams.
Keywords: water temperature, heat exchange dynamics, water temperature modelling, stream water temperature-reduction practices
Cite this article: Peter Halaj, Denisa Halajová, Viliam Bárek. WATER TEMPERATURE AND HEAT EXCHANGE DYNAMICS IN THE STREAMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 9, 123-131 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000704/
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