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Ecology & Safety 2025, 34th International Conference
11-14 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Ecology & Safety, Volume 9, 2015

Galina Degteva, Natalya Simonova, Yana Korneeva
Pages: 216-223
Published: 28 May 2015
Views: 3,049
Downloads: 644
Abstract: Of particular concern to all social institutions of society are causing problems, formed due to the impact of global climate change on the planet as a whole, and in particular the Arctic regions, their bioecosociosphere, public health and the organization of health care and others. On the territory of the Arkhangelsk region and Nenets Autonomous District to extreme hydrometeorological conditions that directly or indirectly affect human health are severe frosts, heavy precipitation in the form of rain and snow, strong winds, flooding during high water. Global climate change is most significant is characterized by sharp temperature fluctuations (increase in mean annual air temperature in the circumpolar area in the past decade, almost twice the world average), increasing the number of dangerous weather events and degradation of permafrost. The most pronounced negative effect on the impact of human and environmental nature has recurrent waves of heat and cold. In addition to the deterioration of the health of vulnerable groups with diseases of the cardiovascular and people respiratory systems are faced with the problem of the safety of food and the risk of acute intestinal infections. In addition, there is risk of changes in the local ecosystem due to the migration to the new northern territories carriers of infectious diseases. Villages with fragile means of communication in this regard are subject to the greatest risk. In the process of life a person is forced to adapt to environmental conditions. Exposure to extreme natural phenomena on the health and quality of life of the population of the Far North should be considered in the development of health-environmental measures aimed at reducing the risks of climate factors.
Keywords: climate, weather, permafrost, the far north, adaptation, disease, environmental safety
Cite this article: Galina Degteva, Natalya Simonova, Yana Korneeva. MEDICAL AND ECOLOGICAL ISSUES OF HUMAN ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE HIGH NORTH. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 9, 216-223 (2015).
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