Donka Shopova, Igor Niagolov
Pages: 404-412
Published: 28 May 2015
Views: 3,060
Downloads: 726
Abstract: This paper explores the performance of the water resource systems located in the Tundja River basin, Bulgaria. It includes multiple water intakes and two large reservoirs with complex purpose. The reservoir cascade “Koprinka” -“Jrebchevo” is used to regulate the water in the basin of the Tundja River and contribute to the increasing complexity of water allocation and implementation of rational use of water resources. The goal of this paper is to test the impact of various transferred water amounts to the Stara Zagora irrigation fields on the satisfaction of water consumers with irrigation water from the reservoir “Jrebchevo”. Summarized research of the influence of water amounts supplied through HPP “Stara Zagora” on irrigation from reservoir “Jrebchevo”.
Keywords: complex water resource systems, water resource management, decision support system
Cite this article: Donka Shopova, Igor Niagolov. MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF WATER RESOURCE SYSTEMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 9, 404-412 (2015).
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